Halloween Advice From A New York Limo

Post 55 of 142

One of the most enjoyable parts of Halloween for kids is dressing up and going trick or treating. In smaller towns this is a simple event, however in bigger cities like New York City things can be a bit more complicated. Gotham New York Limo Service wants to offer some advice on how to trick or treat in the Big Apple and most importantly, how to keep your kids safe while they do so.

Get Information

Your apartment building or buildings near you may have trick or treating within the buildings. This is great since kids will only have to go up and down the steps to reach different floors. This will keep your kids off the streets and keep them safe. It is important to note that some buildings are pretty specific on who can be there for the event. Ask someone at the building, or those around you, what the regulations are and plan accordingly.

Local Businesses

Some of the local delis, stores, and other businesses offer trick or treating on Halloween. Ask around and find out which places will be participating this year. Call up a New York Limo to take you from location to location rather than walk if you plan to go from neighborhood to neighborhood. Staying safe is extremely important and if you are not in a controlled environment, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Take A Limo

Take a New York Limo outside of Manhattan. Many people forget that there are many places to be in New York other than Manhattan. There are some great locations in the residential areas of Brooklyn that are safe and popular for trick or treaters. A New York Limo can take you from location to location rather than take a taxi.


Many schools offer trick or treating during school hours. Check it out and see what is going on. If there is an event make sure your child wears a costume to school. This is a very popular occurrence around Manhattan since many parents worry about their children being out after it is dark.

New York City is a great place to be for Halloween events and trick or treating is no different. You may have to put some more work or thought into it than if you were in a smaller town, but it can still be an enjoyable experience. With the help of prior planning, a New York Limo, and maybe a few building complexes, you can ensure that you and your children have a fantastic and safe holiday experience. Do not forget to inspect your child’s candy before they eat it. Disguise it as a joke and steal some candy if you need to, but make sure the candy is safe. Throw away anything that is not in a wrapper and anything that doesn’t look to be in its normal wrapper. That is not the only thing to look for however. Smell the candy to see if you notice anything off. It may be an overly protective thing to do, but better safe than sorry is a good mantra.


About the Author:

Frank McDonald - The Limo Guy, has been in the limo service industry in NYC for over 30 years. If you need limo service in New York City, then Gotham Limousine is your company.

Frank McDonald – who has written posts on Gotham Limousine.

Gotham Limousine New York City Limousine Services
304 Park Ave S, 11 Floor New York, NY 10010
By Frank McDonald