Avoiding Heat Stress with a New York Limo

Post 72 of 142

So far the last few weeks have been extremely hot. While to some this is great, it can spell for some disastrous health hazards in the form of Heat Stress. Avoiding Heat Stress is not a very difficult task but it does require knowledge and forethought. We are going to talk about how to avoid heat stroke and heat exhaustion which are the main forms of heat stress and how to use a New York Limo to those ends.

The best ways to combat heat stress is to keep hydrated and stay cool. You want to avoid over exerting yourself during the hottest times of the day as well. If you have a day of running around or a party it would be a good idea to get a driver or chauffer, like those at Gotham New York Limo. You can also wear light and loose clothing to help your body disperse and repel heat.

Symptoms of heat exhaustion include confusion, dizziness, fainting, fatigue, headache, dark colored urine, nausea, profuse sweating, rapid heartbeat, and pale skin. If you feel any of these yourself or notice someone around you with them remove yourself or the individual from the heat and drink water slowly. Drinking at a rate of half a cup every 15 minutes is ideal. If you do not see an improvement within 30 minutes call a physician or immediate care.

Heat stroke is another form of heat stress that occurs when the body’s temperature rises drastically. This can be a very serious medical emergency and should be treated as such. Symptoms include High body temp, red or flushed dry skin, rapid pulse, strange behavior, difficulty breathing, hallucinations, confusion, agitation, seizures, agitation, or even coma. These are clearly more serious that its counterpart but are just as easily avoided.

If you feel you have heat stroke symptoms you should call 911 immediately and do everything you can to cool off. Removing clothing is necessary but as you are in the city it is a good idea to do so in a not so public area, inside your New York limo or in a private area might be ideal but don’t worry about it too much.

Heat Stress can be very serious but is very easily avoided. Keep up with your water intake and stay cool. Walking around may not be the best idea and if you are going to be out all day a New York Limo may be your best bet by far. Keep this in mind when you are planning things out. Planning is a crucial aspect of the summer and is even more important in the summer heat. There are areas all over the city that open up just for these occasions when the heat index gets too high so don’t be afraid to go to one. Remember keep up with your fluids and stay cool. Most importantly enjoy your summer and make sure you do so with safety in mind.

About the Author:

Frank McDonald - The Limo Guy, has been in the limo service industry in NYC for over 30 years. If you need limo service in New York City, then Gotham Limousine is your company.

Frank McDonald – who has written posts on Gotham Limousine.

Gotham Limousine New York City Limousine Services
304 Park Ave S, 11 Floor New York, NY 10010
By Frank McDonald