Enjoying Comic Con 2012 With A New York Limo

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Comic Con is just around the corner for New York City and it is time to start planning if you have not already. The event starts on October 11th and will continue until October 14th. Gotham’s New York Limo Service wants to give you a hand with the planning for your trip into Gotham City. The ideas are basic, but sometimes people overlook the obvious.

Have a Meet Up Point

Cell phone service is not the greatest when at this event so instead of relying upon them, do something old-school and having a meeting spot for you and your friends if you get separated. This is not to say that the internet is bad, simply that it can be weak due to the flux of phones in the area.

Don’t Travel Alone

If you have not been to the Big Apple before, you need to know that traveling alone is a bad idea. Walking alone at night is a great way to get mugged, so don’t. Have a friend, walk together, be smart. This doesn’t mean that the city is unsafe, only that being smart is the best way to make sure you are safe no matter what.

Don’t Drink Before Travel

If you are traveling from the Javits Center to anywhere else in Manhattan, it is a long haul and there will be no public bathrooms. The area may look deserted, but avoid urinating in public. The police will be more than happy to slap you with a $50 fine and a date in court. By avoiding drinking before you leave, you can make this trip easier on yourself.

Make Travel Plans

Driving yourself around New York is highly discouraged and sometimes walking is a little rough. Instead you should partake from a New York Limo Service to drive you around the real Gotham City and make your three day even the best it can be. If you are new to the city a little sightseeing tour is well worth your time and chances are your driver will be happy to do so. Avoid walking and enjoy your time with a driver who knows what he is doing.

Comic Con New York is a wonderful event to be at and if it is your first time it can be daunting to say the least. These steps from Gotham’s New York Limo Service will ease your stay in the Big Apple and help ensure you have a great time. This event happens once a year so don’t mess it up by not planning. You need to travel together, have a meeting spot, avoid drinking before you try to commute, and most importantly make travel arraignments. Gotham’s New York Limo Service is perfect for newcomers and veterans alike.

About the Author:

Frank McDonald - The Limo Guy, has been in the limo service industry in NYC for over 30 years. If you need limo service in New York City, then Gotham Limousine is your company.

Frank McDonald – who has written posts on Gotham Limousine.

Gotham Limousine New York City Limousine Services
304 Park Ave S, 11 Floor New York, NY 10010
By Frank McDonald