Having A NYC Wedding Without Breaking The Bank

Post 76 of 142

A wedding in New York is the dream of many a little girl and the idea that it is impossible due to cost is simply a fallacy. A New York Wedding can be pricey for sure but with careful shopping and a level head you can get out at a reasonable price. Our New York City Wedding Limousine Service wants to help you get your perfect day and we want to offer some advice to would be NYC brides.

The Venue of your wedding will more than likely be the most expensive part of your wedding. NYC has many options and as it is such a large chunk of your budget this should be the start of your planning. You need to decide what aesthetic you want and as New York is so diverse you will find it. From the Botanical Gardens, the various parks, and private clubs you should be able to find something that fits you. Be warned that electing a DYI approach and renting a loft wedding space may not really be better than a full service Venue. Unless you really want to spend all that time and are rather resourceful make sure you shop around.

For those that are looking to cut out a few expenses we have a few ideas for you. Before you start cutting people off your guest list take a look into your other expenditures. New York has some great graduate art programs so before you hire that professional photographer, videographer, or even the band why not save a few bucks and hire a student in need? More than likely you will save a lot of money here and considering the pool your picking from (Julliard, the New School, or Columbia) you won’t sacrifice much in the way of talent. Instead of spending 12k on a bridal gift in a big name shop look into some custom jewelry. You can reduce the price and when you go to the source and talk with a designer you can ensure you are getting exactly what you want, even if you need some help figuring that out.

When choosing a restaurant remember that not only is New York full of great restaurants, it is full of great affordable restaurants. You do not need to spend an arm and a leg on dinner. You can certainly rent a quality restaurant for your wedding party and not faint at the bill. The choices are endless and the prices are great when you look for them.

When you get to thinking about the after party don’t worry about paying the venue extra or sacrificing a room to the party gods. The simple fact is there are tons of bars lining the street that are open until 4am so hit the streets enjoy. Remember to get some sleep though.

It is important to remember that the best part about living in New York is that you don’t have to drive…yourself. A New York Wedding Limousine is a great way to treat yourself and your guests to an affordable luxury that can simply upgrade a good wedding to a unforgettable one. Who doesn’t like to see a fleet of well-dressed gentlemen standing next to their fleet of limos waiting to sweep you away to the night of wonders?

New York is a wonderful town that has its own theme and feel to it, don’t try to tune it out. You don’t need to go all touristy with I Love NYC shirts, but simply enjoy the ambiance. You are not dragging your friends and family through JFK airport simply to lock them away in their rooms with blinders on. Remember that a NYC Wedding doesn’t have to bankrupt you by any means and that you shouldn’t let the fear of it keep you from your dream. Gotham’s New York City Wedding Limousine Service wants to ensure that your special day is exactly that, special. They will do everything they can to help you and ease the stress that’s on your shoulders.

About the Author:

Frank McDonald - The Limo Guy, has been in the limo service industry in NYC for over 30 years. If you need limo service in New York City, then Gotham Limousine is your company.

Frank McDonald – who has written posts on Gotham Limousine.

Gotham Limousine New York City Limousine Services
304 Park Ave S, 11 Floor New York, NY 10010
By Frank McDonald